Northern Beaches also have their ups, including sun, surf and sand clicking here. These same elements are also the ones that cause upholstery cleaning in northern beaches. As a car needs periodic oil changes, your couch, armchair, chaise or other furniture will need to be scrubbed more than you think.
Have you ever sat down on your couch to get that lovely, welcoming puff? Your upholstery needs some tender loving attention if you answered yes. Dust, pet hair, unmentionable spills and oils from our skin are all factors that make our sofas breeding grounds for germs. It is not just an aesthetic problem, but also a health issue.
Scene: On a lazy Sunday afternoon, the sun spills golden rays onto your armchair through your window. You let out a satisfied sigh, but your gaze is drawn to the upholstery that has a thin layer of dirt. Record scratch.
This is like going to the dentist. You should increase the frequency to three months if you have pets that use your couch as their home or if it is used as a canvas for your children.
Dust mites and allergens are just as fond of your couch and, without regular cleaning, they will be there having their own fiesta. A professional cleaner will do this task on a regular basis to keep unwanted guests away.
Northern Beaches Carpet Cleaning
90 Mona Vale Rd, Warriewood NSW 2102
(02) 8311 0608