You probably already know that you must have a phone verified account to sell services on Craigslist. Craigslist is making it more difficult for individuals to find themselves on Craigslist due to blackhat marketers and illegal service providers. Find out more?
You can easily verify this by taking a quick look at your niche. Many businesses, particularly in big cities, are so overcrowded that it is easy to get lost. You could be off the first page if you miss posting just one day.
Why you should buy verified accounts
You should purchase verified accounts because they are cheaper than purchasing multiple phones. Craigslist does not allow the use of cheap VOIP phones (voice over Internet Protocol) for a verified phone account. For the cost of a cheap cell phone, you can purchase over 250 phone verified account. Who would want all those phones lying about?
It is important to ask yourself why you want 250 Craigslist verified account. This may seem like a lot, but you have a good reason for wanting so many accounts. All of these reasons will keep you posting on Craigslist.
You can be banned if you violate any terms of service, either intentionally or accidentally. The same number will not work anymore. You could also be flagged as spam if you are a competitor or an angry user. You could also be banned.
You’ll also want to use a separate PVA if you run multiple campaigns. It helps you mentally distinguish the campaigns. It will also allow you to create enough posts for them to be successful.
Find the right PVA for sale
When you are looking for PVAs for sale, be cautious. You may end up paying too much for a fake phone verified account. As they say, buyer beware.
You should avoid buying verified Craigslist accounts that have been recycled. By buying one, you’re playing Russian Roulette with your account. You don’t know what the previous owner has done with it.
You may not even know that the PVA has been banned from Craigslist. It’s possible that the last person was a spammer. You could also be dealing with disgruntled clients. It’s a waste to spend time on positive feedback about others.
Buy Phone Verified Accounts With Additional Features
When buying phone verified accounts, you should also look for features like express service, local PVAs, and posting services. Local PVAs will be absolutely essential for your business. Craigslist is geo-IP enabled. If you post in an unverified area, you could be banned.
Express services and posting services are time-savers. You can never have enough time to earn more money. Craigslist is a fast-paced business. You don’t need to be doing everything yourself, or waiting for your phone verified account to arrive.